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If you're a fan of the Zelda series, then there's a pretty good chance that you've been looking forward to the release of Breath of the Wild for quite some time now. The release date has been set for March 3rd, 2017 and it just passes my understanding why they can't just push it up a little so we can have more time to wait. Perhaps they don't want gamers to go on a crazed frenzy when they finally get their hands on it, but c'mon! It's going to happen either way. I have been a gamer for a fair while now, going back to the days of the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Ever since I was a small boy, I have been enamored with the adventures of Link and the other heroes from across Hyrule. With each new release I eagerly await exploring every inch of this vast world until it has been said and done with. And yet, there is something appealing about how different things are in Breath of the Wild. The setting for this newest Zelda adventure feels a whole lot more realistic than previous titles in the series. For starters, the game has no actual defined character (Link) to speak of. You play as a wide variety of characters that are trapped inside this world, with each having his or her own unique strengths and weaknesses. Alongside you are NPCs called the Champions of the four Divine Beasts. Each is tasked with helping Link locate and power up the four Divine Beasts scattered across Hyrule. The Wilds isn't all that different from what you would expect from a Zelda game if you step back for a moment and consider its features. Obtaining each of the Master Swords throughout the game is bound to be fairly simple, though you will be impressed by how much depth that still manages to have. You can still run into tricky bosses that stand in your way, but you won't find yourself crying over every demise - which is good, because this game can get pretty frustrating at times. There are different elements to this game that I'm not quite sure I've ever encountered before in any other RPG. For starters, Link's Power Bracelet allows you to control how many people you bring with you - which is…interesting for about an hour or so. Secondly, each Divine Beast has its own special abilities which you can charge up by defeating enemies. These special moves get stronger and more powerful as you charge it up, so be prepared to come out swinging if you go in swinging. If you do the calculations right, however, you can use your special abilities to your advantage. Each of the Champions wear a necklace that allows them to harness their special abilities and power them up further. Oddly enough, these powers aren't unique to that particular Champion - they're shared amongst the group since they all work together to defeat one enemy at a time. eccc085e13